Explore projects
Alexander BURNETT / DocExplore
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Enhancement and presentation platform for manuscripts
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Cours "Vie Artificielle". Le dépôt contient des ressources du cours, le wiki contient le cours.
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graphstream / gs-ui
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This plugin contains the skill used by a TransportOrganizer GAMA agent. It allows him to manage multi-modal network (e.g. create it, compute shortest paths...).
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This repo contains every source needed to execute the model, except the GAMA plugins. The latter can be found in other Git repositories.
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CTCModel is an extension of a Keras Model to perform a Connectionist Temporal Classification in Tensorflow.
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Benoit GAUZERE / py-graph
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyProject for managing, comparing and linking graphs to machine learning in python.
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Counterfactual Explanations for Ontologies aims at generationg counterfactual explanations only using an ontology. The idea is to find the smallest changes in the properties of an individual to render this individual consistent with a different class
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Eclipse feature project which includes every GAMA plugins made for DALSim.