Explore projects
Alexander BURNETT / DocExplore
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Enhancement and presentation platform for manuscripts
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Cours "Vie Artificielle". Le dépôt contient des ressources du cours, le wiki contient le cours.
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Yoann Pigné / 2021-theme-beamer-presentations-LITIS
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Hicham Brahimi / firediag
MIT LicenseUpdated -
graphstream / gs-ui
OtherUpdated -
This plugin contains the skill used by a TransportOrganizer GAMA agent. It allows him to manage multi-modal network (e.g. create it, compute shortest paths...).
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This repo contains every source needed to execute the model, except the GAMA plugins. The latter can be found in other Git repositories.
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A system that uses an ontology to design an image classifier capable of detecting inconsistencies in the predictions.
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Thomas CONSTUM / POPP datasets
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -