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Commit 86bc5599 authored by aburn's avatar aburn
Browse files

Added rotation awareness to poster tiles

parent 0e90f26c
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......@@ -12,223 +12,227 @@ In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with load
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import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.interreg.docexplore.gui.ErrorHandler;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.AnnotatedObject;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.MetaData;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.Page;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.PosterUtils;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.Region;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.TileConfiguration;
import org.interreg.docexplore.util.ImageUtils;
public class PosterPageEditor extends PageEditor
enum TileState {Missing, Loading, Loaded};
long posterId = 0;
boolean isPoster;
Page tilePage = null;
TileConfiguration config;
MetaData [][][] parts;
TileState [][][] tileStates;
BufferedImage [][][] tiles;
public PosterPageEditor(DocumentEditorHost listener, Page page) throws Exception
this(listener, page, null);
public PosterPageEditor(DocumentEditorHost listener, Region region) throws Exception
this(listener, region.getPage(), region);
protected PosterPageEditor(DocumentEditorHost listener, Page page, Region region) throws Exception
super(listener, page, region);
this.isPoster = page != null && PosterUtils.isPoster(page.getBook());
@Override public int getImageWidth() {return config == null ? super.getImageWidth() : config.getFullWidth();}
@Override public int getImageHeight() {return config == null ? super.getImageHeight() : config.getFullHeight();}
private synchronized void updateTileStates()
boolean doUpdate = false;
if (!isPoster && tilePage != null)
else if (isPoster && page != tilePage)
doUpdate = true;
if (doUpdate) try
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.AnnotatedObject;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.MetaData;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.Page;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.PosterUtils;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.Region;
import org.interreg.docexplore.manuscript.TileConfiguration;
import org.interreg.docexplore.util.ImageUtils;
public class PosterPageEditor extends PageEditor
enum TileState {Missing, Loading, Loaded};
long posterId = 0;
boolean isPoster;
Page tilePage = null;
TileConfiguration config;
MetaData [][][] parts;
TileState [][][] tileStates;
BufferedImage [][][] tiles;
public PosterPageEditor(DocumentEditorHost listener, Page page) throws Exception
this(listener, page, null);
public PosterPageEditor(DocumentEditorHost listener, Region region) throws Exception
this(listener, region.getPage(), region);
protected PosterPageEditor(DocumentEditorHost listener, Page page, Region region) throws Exception
super(listener, page, region);
this.isPoster = page != null && PosterUtils.isPoster(page.getBook());
@Override public int getImageWidth() {return config == null ? super.getImageWidth() : config.getFullWidth();}
@Override public int getImageHeight() {return config == null ? super.getImageHeight() : config.getFullHeight();}
private synchronized void updateTileStates()
boolean doUpdate = false;
if (!isPoster && tilePage != null)
else if (isPoster && page != tilePage)
doUpdate = true;
if (doUpdate) try
List<MetaData> configs = page.getBook().getMetaDataListForKey(host.getAppHost().getLink().tileConfigKey);
config = configs.size() > 0 ? (TileConfiguration)new ObjectInputStream(configs.get(0).getValue()).readObject() : null;
if (config != null)
tilePage = page;
parts = config.getTiles(host.getAppHost().getLink());
tileStates = new TileState [parts.length][][];
tiles = new BufferedImage [parts.length][][];
for (int l=0;l<parts.length;l++)
tileStates[l] = new TileState [parts[l].length][parts[l].length == 0 ? 0 : parts[l][0].length];
tiles[l] = new BufferedImage [parts[l].length][parts[l].length == 0 ? 0 : parts[l][0].length];
for (int l=0;l<tileStates.length;l++)
for (int i=0;i<tileStates[l].length;i++)
for (int j=0;j<tileStates[l][i].length;j++)
tileStates[l][i][j] = TileState.Missing;
try {setImage([parts.length-1][0][0].getValue()));}
catch (Exception e) {ErrorHandler.defaultHandler.submit(e, true);}
catch (Exception e) {ErrorHandler.defaultHandler.submit(e, true);}
private void clearTileStates()
config = null;
tiles = null;
tilePage = null;
parts = null;
static class TileRendering
BufferedImage image;
int x0, y0, x1, y1, sw, sh;
TileRendering() {}
void set(BufferedImage image, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int sw, int sh) {this.image = image; this.x0 = x0; this.y0 = y0; this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.sw = sw; = sh;}
List<TileRendering> renderings = new ArrayList<TileRendering>();
private synchronized int requestArea(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, double pixelSize, List<TileRendering> renderings)
int l = config.layerFor(pixelSize);
int i0 = config.tilei(l, x0), i1 = config.tilei(l, x1), j0 = config.tilej(l, y0), j1 = config.tilej(l, y1);
int n = 0;
for (int i=0;i<tiles[l].length;i++)
for (int j=0;j<tiles[l][i].length;j++)
if (i>=i0 && i<=i1 && j>=j0 && j<=j1)
if (tileStates[l][i][j] == TileState.Missing)
requestTile(l, i, j);
else if (tileStates[l][i][j] == TileState.Loaded)
if (renderings.size() <= n)
renderings.add(new TileRendering());
int x = config.tilex(l, i), y = config.tiley(l, j);
renderings.get(n++).set(tiles[l][i][j], x, y, x+config.tileFullw(l, i), y+config.tileFullh(l, j), config.tilew(l, i), config.tileh(l, j));
tileStates[l][i][j] = TileState.Missing;
tiles[l][i][j] = null;
return n;
private synchronized BufferedImage getTileImage(int l, int i, int j, long posterId) throws Exception
if (posterId != this.posterId || tileStates[l][i][j] != TileState.Loading)
return null;
if (parts[l][i][j] != null && parts[l][i][j].getType().equals(MetaData.imageType))
return new BufferedImage(config.tilew(l, i), config.tileh(l, j), BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
private synchronized void setTile(int l, int i, int j, long posterId, BufferedImage image)
if (posterId != this.posterId || tileStates[l][i][j] != TileState.Loading)
tiles[l][i][j] = image;
tileStates[l][i][j] = image == null ? TileState.Missing : TileState.Loaded;
private void requestTile(final int l, final int i, final int j)
final long posterId = this.posterId;
tileStates[l][i][j] = TileState.Loading;
tileLoader.submit(new Callable<Void>() {@Override public Void call() throws Exception
BufferedImage image = null;
try {image = getTileImage(l, i, j, posterId);}
catch (Exception e) {ErrorHandler.defaultHandler.submit(e, true);}
setTile(l, i, j, posterId, image);
return null;
@Override public void switchDocument(AnnotatedObject document) throws Exception
this.isPoster = PosterUtils.isPoster(page.getBook());
@Override protected void drawImage(Graphics2D g, double pixelSize)
if (isPoster && config != null)
List<MetaData> configs = page.getBook().getMetaDataListForKey(host.getAppHost().getLink().tileConfigKey);
config = configs.size() > 0 ? (TileConfiguration)new ObjectInputStream(configs.get(0).getValue()).readObject() : null;
if (config != null)
tilePage = page;
parts = config.getTiles(host.getAppHost().getLink());
tileStates = new TileState [parts.length][][];
tiles = new BufferedImage [parts.length][][];
for (int l=0;l<parts.length;l++)
tileStates[l] = new TileState [parts[l].length][parts[l].length == 0 ? 0 : parts[l][0].length];
tiles[l] = new BufferedImage [parts[l].length][parts[l].length == 0 ? 0 : parts[l][0].length];
for (int l=0;l<tileStates.length;l++)
for (int i=0;i<tileStates[l].length;i++)
for (int j=0;j<tileStates[l][i].length;j++)
tileStates[l][i][j] = TileState.Missing;
try {setImage([parts.length-1][0][0].getValue()));}
catch (Exception e) {ErrorHandler.defaultHandler.submit(e, true);}
catch (Exception e) {ErrorHandler.defaultHandler.submit(e, true);}
private void clearTileStates()
config = null;
tiles = null;
tilePage = null;
parts = null;
static class TileRendering
BufferedImage image;
int x0, y0, x1, y1, sw, sh;
TileRendering() {}
void set(BufferedImage image, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int sw, int sh) {this.image = image; this.x0 = x0; this.y0 = y0; this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.sw = sw; = sh;}
List<TileRendering> renderings = new ArrayList<TileRendering>();
private synchronized int requestArea(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, double pixelSize, List<TileRendering> renderings)
int l = config.layerFor(pixelSize);
int i0 = config.tilei(l, x0), i1 = config.tilei(l, x1), j0 = config.tilej(l, y0), j1 = config.tilej(l, y1);
int n = 0;
for (int i=0;i<tiles[l].length;i++)
for (int j=0;j<tiles[l][i].length;j++)
if (i>=i0 && i<=i1 && j>=j0 && j<=j1)
if (tileStates[l][i][j] == TileState.Missing)
requestTile(l, i, j);
else if (tileStates[l][i][j] == TileState.Loaded)
if (renderings.size() <= n)
renderings.add(new TileRendering());
int x = config.tilex(l, i), y = config.tiley(l, j);
renderings.get(n++).set(tiles[l][i][j], x, y, x+config.tileFullw(l, i), y+config.tileFullh(l, j), config.tilew(l, i), config.tileh(l, j));
tileStates[l][i][j] = TileState.Missing;
tiles[l][i][j] = null;
return n;
private synchronized BufferedImage getTileImage(int l, int i, int j, long posterId) throws Exception
if (posterId != this.posterId || tileStates[l][i][j] != TileState.Loading)
return null;
if (parts[l][i][j] != null && parts[l][i][j].getType().equals(MetaData.imageType))
return new BufferedImage(config.tilew(l, i), config.tileh(l, j), BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
private synchronized void setTile(int l, int i, int j, long posterId, BufferedImage image)
if (posterId != this.posterId || tileStates[l][i][j] != TileState.Loading)
tiles[l][i][j] = image;
tileStates[l][i][j] = image == null ? TileState.Missing : TileState.Loaded;
private void requestTile(final int l, final int i, final int j)
final long posterId = this.posterId;
tileStates[l][i][j] = TileState.Loading;
tileLoader.submit(new Callable<Void>() {@Override public Void call() throws Exception
BufferedImage image = null;
try {image = getTileImage(l, i, j, posterId);}
catch (Exception e) {ErrorHandler.defaultHandler.submit(e, true);}
setTile(l, i, j, posterId, image);
return null;
@Override public void switchDocument(AnnotatedObject document) throws Exception
this.isPoster = PosterUtils.isPoster(page.getBook());
@Override protected void drawImage(Graphics2D g, double pixelSize)
if (isPoster && config != null)
int n = requestArea((int)toViewX(0), (int)toViewY(0), (int)toViewX(getWidth()), (int)toViewY(getHeight()), pixelSize, renderings);
if (n == 0)
super.drawImage(g, pixelSize);
else for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
TileRendering r = renderings.get(i);
//TODO: use "best" tile if requested one unavailable
if (r.image != null)
g.drawImage(r.image, r.x0, r.y0, r.x1, r.y1, 0, 0, r.sw,, null);
r.image = null;
int fw = config.getFullWidth(), fh = config.getFullHeight();
g.drawImage(image, r.x0, r.y0, r.x1, r.y1, r.x0*image.getWidth()/fw, r.y0*image.getHeight()/fh, r.x1*image.getWidth()/fw, r.y1*image.getHeight()/fh, null);
else super.drawImage(g, pixelSize);
@Override protected void renderMini(Graphics2D g, double pixelSize, int mw, int mh)
if (!isPoster)
super.renderMini(g, pixelSize, mw, mh);
int l = config.getLastLayer();
synchronized (this)
if (tileStates[l][0][0] == TileState.Missing)
requestTile(l, 0, 0);
if (tiles[l][0][0] != null)
int left = Math.min((int)toViewX(0, 0), (int)toViewX(getWidth(), getHeight()));
int right = Math.max((int)toViewX(0, 0), (int)toViewX(getWidth(), getHeight()));
int up = Math.min((int)toViewY(0, 0), (int)toViewY(getWidth(), getHeight()));
int down = Math.max((int)toViewY(0, 0), (int)toViewY(getWidth(), getHeight()));
int n = requestArea(left, up, right, down, pixelSize, renderings);
if (n == 0)
super.drawImage(g, pixelSize);
else for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
TileRendering r = renderings.get(i);
//TODO: use "best" tile if requested one unavailable
if (r.image != null)
g.drawImage(r.image, r.x0, r.y0, r.x1, r.y1, 0, 0, r.sw,, null);
r.image = null;
int fw = config.getFullWidth(), fh = config.getFullHeight();
g.drawImage(image, r.x0, r.y0, r.x1, r.y1, r.x0*image.getWidth()/fw, r.y0*image.getHeight()/fh, r.x1*image.getWidth()/fw, r.y1*image.getHeight()/fh, null);
else super.drawImage(g, pixelSize);
@Override protected void renderMini(Graphics2D g, double pixelSize, int mw, int mh)
if (!isPoster)
super.renderMini(g, pixelSize, mw, mh);
int l = config.getLastLayer();
synchronized (this)
if (tileStates[l][0][0] == TileState.Missing)
requestTile(l, 0, 0);
if (tiles[l][0][0] != null)
g.drawImage(tiles[l][0][0], 0, 0, mw, mh, null);
Stroke oldStroke = g.getStroke();
......@@ -239,10 +243,10 @@ public class PosterPageEditor extends PageEditor
drawOverlay(g, pixelSize);
private static ExecutorService tileLoader = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Math.max(2, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()-1));
@Override public void onActionRequest(String action, Object param) throws Exception
......@@ -252,5 +256,5 @@ public class PosterPageEditor extends PageEditor
else if (action.equals("export") && isPoster)
ExportImageDialog.exportImage(host.getAppHost(), page.getBook());
else super.onActionRequest(action, param);
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