- May 06, 2011
test authored
Fixed raw connected component count.
Guillaume-Jean Herbiet authored
In ConnectedComponents, the number of components is available either via a counter (connectedComponents), or by using the size of the connectedComponentSize map. The former allow easy access to the number of components (raw count), the second to filter the result based on component size restriction at a cost of a more complex operation. The count update could, in some cases, create empty connected components. Those were counted and lead to erroneous results where the raw count of connected components was used. Empty connected components are now filtered out during the raw and size-based count.
- May 05, 2011
- May 04, 2011
Yoann Pigné authored
test authored
Fixed error in size computation in ConnectedComponents.
Guillaume-Jean Herbiet authored
- Apr 26, 2011
Ant01n3 authored
The Toolkit.random* methods now correctly return null whan the graph is empty or when the set of elements on which the random choise is made is empty.
- Apr 22, 2011
Ant01n3 authored
Ant01n3 authored
This method return the diameter of the graph (longest of the shortest paths between all nodes and any other). Also corrected a bug in APSP and changed some remaining floats to doubles. Changed some floats to doubles in Centroid and Eccentricity to follow the changes in APSP.
Ant01n3 authored
Also changed some remaining floats into doubles in the BaseGenerator. Also updated the javadoc of the Generator interface that was saying false things.
- Apr 21, 2011
gsavin authored
- Apr 20, 2011
- Apr 19, 2011
gsavin authored
gsavin authored
gsavin authored
gsavin authored
Ant01n3 authored
Modified the old PreferentialAttachment to correctly use the random generator of GeneratorBase (there was a bug if one changed the random seed, it was not taken into account). Also added a Barabàsi-Albert generator (BarabasiAlbertGenerator ...) that does exaclty the same job but can produce graphs, not only trees. Indeed the generator adds one node at each call to nextEvents(), for this node it can add one edge (chosen randomly, with a bias toward node with high degrees). However doing so creates a tree. One can now make two ore more edges for each node added. The number of edges generated at each node can be set. It can also be chosen randomly (uniformly this time). The BarabasiAlbertGenerator is stricly the same as the PreferentialAttachmentGenerator when the number of edges added per node is one. We can however keep the old generator for compatibility reasons, or replace it by the BarabasiAlbertGenerator by changing the name of one of the two.
Ant01n3 authored
Also added the citation of the Barabàsi-Albert model used by this generator.
gsavin authored
gsavin authored
- Apr 16, 2011
Ant01n3 authored
Also added the start of a generator framework to create graphs from Delaunay/Dirichlet/Voronoi tessellations.
- Apr 13, 2011
gsavin authored
Fix a bug creating an infinite loop and add some code to ensure that the produced graph is connected.
- Feb 15, 2011
Guillaume-Jean Herbiet authored
- Feb 13, 2011
gsavin authored
Add feature to handle an non-connected graphs. In such case, result will be a spanning trees forest.
- Feb 11, 2011
gsavin authored
- Jan 18, 2011
- Dec 13, 2010
Ant01n3 authored
BaseGenerator adds the hability to backup some data on which nodes and edges are created. However when creating a second graph with the same generator, this data must be cleaned up. This has been added in a default "end()" method. Each generator has been modified to call this super.end() method.
- Nov 30, 2010
gsavin authored
- Nov 25, 2010
Yoann Pigné authored
Yoann Pigné authored
- Nov 11, 2010
Ant01n3 authored
- Oct 26, 2010
Ant01n3 authored
The algorithm is now largely tested in weighted and unweighted graphs and should work on non-multi-graphs. It works on directed graphs, but ignore the direction. Added the possibility to register a progress "callback" since the algorithm can take a lot of time to compute.
- Oct 18, 2010
Ant01n3 authored
- Oct 11, 2010
Ant01n3 authored
- Oct 10, 2010
Ant01n3 authored
Also removed the extraneous @override in Community.