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Created with Raphaël 2.2.029Jun20Apr74Mar216Jul29Jun2719May186Mar8Jun7427May416Apr1128Mar128Nov731Oct3028272521Sep26Jul252423131211226Jun242019630May25181324Apr2120191726Mar28Feb27212018151024Jan191312628Dec2420161511109876429Nov28251511109726Oct12543229Sep22Jul191413111016Jun23May181715141312765426Apr22212019161415Feb131218Jan13Dec125Nov1126Oct1811109875432130Sep1512765230Aug241823Jul16137Jun22Jan2130Dec28231514819Jul9May25Mar221172128Feb2019Switch back master branch to 1.x. We will use the 2.x branch for development until an alpha release is ready.mastermasterOn the way to 2.0Maintenance branch for 1.x1.x1.xMinor changes in POM.1.31.3Compile GraphStream using J2SE7.Update JUnit version to the latest 4.12, and update Maven plugins version in POM.Fix errorsUpdate licence preambleAdded a simple hypercube generatorMerge pull request #9 from beltex/chart-centerSet ChartMeasure location to center of displayMerge pull request #8 from beltex/chain-generatorAdd new ChainGenerator class, add .gitignore, formatting fix for README.rstAdd clean methods to delete attributes used by the algorithmSwitch to 1.3-SNAPSHOTAdded changelog from 1.1 to 1.2Small javadoc modification1.21.2Fix WelshPowell algorithmcopyValueTo should actually copy values to the attribute given in paramater, not to the centralityAttribute.Fix Toolkit method computeLayout()Update POMUpdate pom. Fix #78.Update licence preambleMinor changesMinor changeAdd Surprise measureAdd new generator based on Game of LifeFix the centrality adding the forgotten abstract centrality class in the last commit.Add more option for normalization in centrality measures.Add Wikipedia generatorFix Eigenvector centralityFix eigenvector centralityAdd Eigenvector centrality + demoFix closenessAdd abstract centralityAdd degree centrality measure with demo.Update Closeness centrality documentation. Add demo.Add Closeness centrality measure. No doc yet.Minor fix in tests1. branch 'spanningtree'