model Networks
global {
graph road_network;
graph maritime_network;
graph river_network;
float speed;
float length;
int colorValue <- -1; // This value is filled by the custom GAMA Plugin : MovingOnNetwork. It allows to colour the road according to the quantity of goods on the road.
bool blocked <- false;
aspect geom {
draw shape + 2°px color: rgb(0, 255, 0) border: rgb(0, 255, 0);
if(colorValue = -1){
draw shape + 2°px color: rgb(col) border: rgb(col);
else {
draw shape + 2°px color: rgb(255, colorValue, 0) border:rgb(255, colorValue, 0);
species Road parent:Network {
string col <- "grey";
species MaritimeLine parent:Network {
string col <- "blue";
species RiverLine parent:Network {
string col <- "green";
int is_new;